Project “Bluebird”

Americas bad dream. Not for the faint hearted. See how mind control has been tested, used, and abused to advance  understanding of the human brain and it’s functions in secret. Evil at it’s worst. I can only really refer to the above link so you can discover what evil pursuit’s the CIA chased after and witness accounts of their achievements in the name of medical science. The madness that allowed these brutal thing’s to happen and the extent to witch they went. And to be truthful, I don’t believe they stopped there either. Possibly a Nazi legacy in itself.

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We mustn’t forget how the Americans took control of the Nazi scientist’s after WW2, and instead of trying them for war crimes like you would expect, decided to Nationalize and keep them under the then secret operation paperclip,  for their own ends. One of whom was (i’m sure you’ve all heard) Wernher von Braun, seen by many nowadays as being the godfather of rocket science. He had invented the first long range ballistic missiles for the Nazis (technology that the rest of the west didn’t have at the time) including the V2 rocket which he had worked extensively on and perfected. He subsequently went on to live in America along with select members of his rocket team and develop, perfect and receive appraisal for many more missilles and rockets for the US military and NASA (where he worked as director of the then newly formed and slightly secret Marshall Space Flight Center) including the Saturn V booster rocket which helped the first men land on the moon. He received  The National Medal for Science for his achievement. What other hi-tech scientists, in what areas of science, did they glean from the Nazis?